Lecture Note
Swansea UniversityCourse
PM134 | MicrobiologyPages
Academic year
Sanjeev K Ganesh
MODULE 2 - MICROBIAL GROWTH tell dension The in cellular constituents organisms Prokaryour - (dender by b. fission, not accompanied se in cell no. cell ansien populatn growth is by cell division) cell size taken in to consideration Growth
All the cells will be both physologically ul brochemically art Stationary phase Balance b/w cell growth wall death. Growth curve becomes horizontal Nutrients- limitatn occurs O2 deplet Toxic metabolites, Starts Synthesizing - Kuls the nearby the Cryan al lutilic food or antibiotics available 2° metaboutes Bateriocin Datin phase /death phas -No more nutrients Nutrient More were deprivat? of coxcimetabolites anumulatn am Death is also in a ley Eventually death of fashion the organism Growth curie O2 - -complete depmat It will not become O all Invuicent - Certain organism can survive Death cells will fall to cyse announce cells can he seen,but ct cannot Le determined whether they are Guy n
Microbial Growth in Microorganism
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