Lecture Note
University of California San DiegoCourse
BIMM 100 | Molecular BiologyPages
Academic year
Jake Tomson
UV RecA birds to SSDN activate lexA proteclytic activity Rechato activate esycoprotease for CI leave CI 3fonction Protease Animal viruses a) Influenza infect respiratory tract Type A B C - mildinjective & common specific forthurm both animals homens. Haglitinin 8. 8 RNAnd }acia as Naramindase antigon Capsid envelope eproteins H4 N H binds to Fialic acid residues receptor mediated endocytols of the virus endosome acidify, PH change activate neuramindase enzyme and cleave the sialic acid connections fusion of envelope and endorone membrone
helps to eject capsid to cytosol T I RNA released to cytorol viral RNA pot transcube Replication mRNA Irons lation secreatory cytoroticpathway capsid Hd N expressed in host PM Antigonic dift. & ibif 2 mechanism usedfor changing surfaceontigen drift -mutations accumilate at course of infection and produce newstrain shift - shuffing, when on individual is affected by 2 influenza strain, @ time of viral particle will shuffle and produce new stainof HN Protozoan Trypnoxma brozei - sleeping sictnes (Africarseeping sicknes) T. erozi-chaga's disease (American sleeping sickness) Vector Tsetse fly Replicate every 4-2 hrs @first stage of infection affect CNS Meningoencephalitis lors of conciousness when parasite loadincease, humoral immunity is active VSG. produce ab against glycoprotein coal VSG-Various surface Clycarotein
RecA Protein
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