Lecture Note
University of California San DiegoCourse
BIMM 100 | Molecular BiologyPages
Academic year
Jake Tomson
1. 20oppopulation ofTH THI TH2 144 ,5,6,10 secreate 112, interestory helps in Termor Neastic factored B collactivation. Involved in cell mediated functions. Tell activation when both signals alise Tcell receed the autocrine signalling I42 Teellproliferation Tccell kill the targeted cells directly memory cell production in less effector Tc needs 3 interaction for it's functions AgTeR B7 -CD28 1442 binding Tcell receptor bind to Ag bound to Class IMHC 2cells form a conjugate with helpof Cell adhesion molecules these proteases through exocytosis The amain molecules Cytotoxic Tcells. have geneules that store proteases, release Peyorin Granzymes Poreforming Seline protecise protein
Cospaceactivator Peyorin polymeuge 4death on the target cell and form pore like Structure 89 Endone classIMIC Gneggines enter Target $7 cell the cell through this TCR pore. Cytotoxic alsotargetcell take Tcell peyorin through endocyforis. Granzymes Peyorin Granzyme canpromote apoptois cleave procaspace 8 Annegg - When costimulatory interactions ale ahsent, Tcell cannot proliferate and this makes the Tcell annergic This in callectional annergy. Anagic Fixed gene Anergic APC no B7 Teell normal APC 80 noresponce no responce to aldready anergic Tcell Suparantigens Induce proliferation even in the absence of specific entigens. our
THCell Slperontigon binding posttim TCR -Bchain MHC-. chain Spuartigen- Component of bacteria APC virus etc Tokill Intense us Tcell proliferation by Release of large amt of cytokines production I large amount cylotoxicsoustonces Systemic cytotoricity. supaortigens escogonous bacteria secreate this membrane bound endogenas into ourcell proteins encoded by virus Pound on surface Slughytrocus entecotoxis foodiprisoning Autoimmone disorder Recognise self antigons as foreign an lead to tissue damage autoinmone disorder Tolerance (Protection from self reactive lymphacyfor) Central Peripheral before T/B After materation self reactive cellsare inactivated cell matures, selfreactive cells are destroyed, occur in i° lymphoid orgons
T-Cell Sub Cell Activation
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