Lecture Note
University of California San DiegoCourse
BIMM 100 | Molecular BiologyPages
Academic year
Jake Tomson
Replicative transposons 1 Transporablecoment Transports freeends Targetsequence of TEf target Joins& replication SS template newcopy Hanked hydirect repeats of farget squence Eukayotes Disociator Ac& Dselements in Maize (Barbala Mclinlock). Activator (autonomas). Oselementdependson Acclement of internal fragments of Acelements alemissing It's called Dselement Kanel valigation Cannot produce functional transporase enzyme
Pelembin Prophila O M Petement 6 M normal (bcs no transporare) MM MP due to presare of piwi nopiur MP PP famale pioi blocks transporase production from P trinsporant male gamete pot MO Hytrid dysgonesis (transposition occurs and genes disoupt many Pelement inactive in somatic In somatic cells trans poxase cells,active in gamline cells. enzyme not produced callernative splicing) gamete transporase gamele piwi complex Cleave Pelement mRNA. Pi RNA compementary to Pelement MRNA + Piwi protein PURNA Piwicomplex (infemdles) (Piwi interacting RNA) notrons perase enzyme
Replicative Transposomes
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