Lecture Note
University of California San DiegoCourse
BIMM 100 | Molecular BiologyPages
Academic year
Jake Tomson
Dystrophin glycoprotein compler instellial trosle cell Agrin Perlican Ditroglycan LUVY No: titric oxide GRB2 Surfers syntrophing Dystrophic (one of the largest protein Actin d D yetrobrevin Nos diffuse to underlying smothmuscle, cause vasodialation string more blood to skeletal museles. Extravaration of neutiophills Selection ligora O Phs receipt 8 $ 8 8 68 Endethdial Leokocute cell Pesting vesicle Activation contribing sate Endothelial PAE activation P-selection Leutocyte attachement & Rollin g o ag 8 ? Firm adhesion Extravasation via Integrin / ICAM binding
Cytostelclons - mulation - midiomypathy Microfilaments in termediate Microtubules Silaments 250m 7. 9nm 100m no kinesin motor myorin protein dyenin Gactins Protofilament L&Btobdin (Gldrias) ATPin it'cleft Mg+ 10/ of 1% of proteins in non muscle proteins in cells. muscle cell 6 unforms of Gastins 3stages of actin pdymerization Persuity ADD from Atpdairs nucleation, elongation, slealy state. / tredmilling -ve in ADD tend Plymalyalinnucleus comprised of 3 Gachinnowomas discriation 1. growing factin nucleating protein and form end after aparticular length addresses rale of addition @ tend = rateif dissociation shave at end as 1/202 Nucleation 1 Gaclinmonomer + actin nucleation protein (ANP) adidasting mill egiformin - formation of new filament (1) MADE ompstat niv - 7protein complex til poinard 24 3participate in nucleation & other 5 hi formalianally actas platform
Formin Active confirmation Inactive confirmation Rho Binding Domain GTP RBD Activation FHI - FH2 RBD 88 FHI Polymerization Peofilin ATP Pedine sife. - adimenc action rich residues domain 2clefts for Gactin move attracts profilin r affinity for proline rich residues rocking movement cary Gartin monomers in ATP form to FHI domain Polymerization & polymerization happens in PH2damain Arp 2/3 NPF new require help from nucleation promoting factors - trich formed 70° to the existing branch WASP P145P2 Basic RhoBirding E Domain RBD or Cdc B 42 CGTP R 2 B RBP PI(4,5) bisphe A-C w shouldbird acidic Cando WH2 (hindslonew to Barm Gadininonomal cdcas binds to + 70° 0 RBP ( ) ID to actival 00 0 WAS action Arp2/3 schunits complex Coincider Delection
Dystropin Glycoproteins
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