Lecture Note
High SchoolCourse
High School BiologyPages
Academic year
Rizky Salwa Kitta
p {margin: 0; padding: 0;} No. : n Invertebrate Phywm . characteristics and examples 6 PHYLUM MOLLUSCA Characteristics ; consists OF three main parts: legs, visceral mass . and mantle lives in the sea, Freshwater, and land shelled. . The shell is composed (cuttlefish , squid, octopus) because they develop a mantle The mantle is also present in shelled animals Based on body symmetry, leg shape, Shell, and mantle, , mollusca are divided into Five class: 1. Apmphineura 2 chiton sp Achatina Fulica (snail) 2 Gastropoda 3. Scaphopoda = Dentalium SP 4. Cephalopoda : Loligo pealii (squid) 5. Pelecypoda , = Pinctada mertensi (pearl oysler) pearl oyster 180 mm X 257 mm (KIKY)
Biology - Phylum Mollusca
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