Lecture Note
Swansea UniversityCourse
EGA109 | Introductory Organic ChemistryPages
Academic year
Sanjeev K Ganesh
L. (WHW) (t2-ti + Correction Goling )-(Acide Fuse Correction m Coding dixtimetaken for cooling Corrosion Sacretical Anode 1. Metal wire to more amodic material 2. Corrosion of amode 3. Gets corroded while protecting - Gdamization 4. 5. / ship, water tanks Zn, Ah Mg, alloys. Under pipe Impressed I 1 Opposite to anode Corrosion : graphile current electrode bentrict in 2 Instable gypsum, NG2804, ecal contact black good fill conductivity (increases with mil ) other ter animal 3. Acts Under as pipe, slips / trans lines callous 4. 5 Anode can be single or sarge many e serusconnected
Spectroscopy interaction b/w em radiation up matter structure of atoms Cy in response to stimulus recorded as d f(+) radiation Vip Upplarized meaning wavelergth Types of interaction absorption, transmission, reflection, scattening photo luminescence (phosphoresment flusteriance is when light energy or photoers Raman s cattering) stimulate emission of photon quantim phenomenon dependent on propr of rad item Cy pstructural parts of sample & U-V Vis Spectroscopy molecule, diff A absor bed structuredependent Abs. Diff spectrum shows no of abs bands corresponding to diff fune groups within the molecule eg. abs. by car boryl is same in autone deethyl ketone absorbed by molecule in UV (1-400nm) le-vis 100-750 nm Lamp sample Holder Signal Prowner of Display Monthromator
Cooling DTX time
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