Lecture Note
Swansea UniversityCourse
PM134 | MicrobiologyPages
Academic year
Sanjeev K Ganesh
ENERGY DA 10.4.2023 carbonated beverages - sugar water t citricand + CO2 Obesity, effects Cardio intestine, vascular arsunic issues, Sugar poistering tolerance afforts lungs, drabetes, harm fine Alternative for carbonated drinks -sugarcane juice is Sugar panineas 9' intestine etc. in the form of energy / nomms, minerals everything present Drawbauks ferments lid It will get within Production cost L selling price S2122303 9-2 - hrs bcoz of me organisms shelf life sugar cane juice cannot be kept for a longer time in naturally the sugar presen cane as well as aerob Apply atechnology to prevent the Sementat" of sugarcame murolis serice
Add some preservatives, Use some technology sugar cubs + ch Check what and 9 muroorganisms water are present sugarcane fui 2 How to avoid minogausms 214/1000 STRUCTURE OF ATP 'Energy currency N N N N H.F on on N 12 O 0 0 N 11 N O- Cth N O -0 O 0- Adenosine On OH Eg-H a pand is heared to boing ATP A DD tnt wauth of me we at mustagor wat SYSTEM- SCRRAWANGS Universe is important. not Thermodynannies energy tast it uneatia for kind of stone Science when analysis then changes in collection of matte v-49 called willing system; all other matter in the universe is called as 'surroundings'. tremodynames Initial state up final state -focuse on in Energy Not conamed with ratt difference process is analysed
First law Energy can muther be created nor be destroyed ie Energy is constant It, can be converted Fan; Electicical Mechanical from one form to another Exonemic rxn -Heat is grenous we Encrothemic " that is absorbed Twotyper of energy unla 2nd law of memodynamics calore Journe 1st is does not allant Although consived in munivers, it is true that energy me closed for law many pnyse al ly unemeal precess Full cylindr Empty It will flow; until the gax pressure seconis equal on both sides gas will flow another. from Open Empty unti realled is Full Fills both the cylinder expanded! along curn redistribution this Gas got condition is called entropy. - Disorder / randomness (practically it should it have got of a system 1/2 but expanded been 1/2; in such us rxn will procied a um a was that m willse at its physical Measure of randomness / desorder of syste max. possible of was will always expand 18/4/23 law and second law can be combined for the making the useful First equation (Energy changes) DG = Free energychange AG= AH - TAS on = change in enoralogy T-temp in Kelve Cheat content (°1213) of asystem)
As = change in entropy Free energy -Amount of energy which is available to do some Inclotal energy useful work free a energy const us te entropychanges mpal pressure. clones from Total AG = Standara free energy depend Sian shirish on have the syste m gets Amount of energy which cannot be used for performing work-ss and AG is negative, the reaction to is (taking place) spon taneous going to complete in enempy on more pasic e is AG 'tve' Energy not utilizing - less there will be a relation urtn direction of chemical txr news Relationsmi fou mean green A1B (+1) A&B will combine to give CED up (ED crill combine give A&B. (Rate of nxn a conc. of products Carog mars aut? Keq - conc. of products Keq [c][D] Conc. of reactants [A][B] If the rxn is spontaneous ,+1 (umg available energy for work) 3+13 Kcq >1, spon toy neovs in A+B (2) C+D Equation is not in (c) equilbrium Frurd rxn is more products are formed more Exagonic ren mm keq, (CJED) (AJEB) 6/2" 3 - (37(3) 3>1 : kcg >1.00 T131] our Negative Spontaneous favourable = Xn gongrocomplete aye
At BK C+D kea 2 (CJ[D] I < 1.00 on positive [A][13] Rxn is less favourable, non spontaneous It sequres external assistance for the compution of run. Endergonic run product is less C+D A+B Endergonic run E exergonic rxn. ATP ADP+Pi with the help of an external assurance At B C+D is Endergonic, so ATP is react used for convest
Energy Flow in Microbial Cell
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