Lecture Note
Swansea UniversityCourse
PM134 | MicrobiologyPages
Academic year
Sanjeev K Ganesh
ENZYME XA protein mal act as a biological caralyss by awererating chemical ) xns. XDV molecules upon while enumes may all one called seb: and me myme conveyt me sursnales into different mole brown as products All clues not affect me equilibrium G the catalyzed rxn. Nit enhances AV rate 9 rxn by promiting a it pain wit lower accivation energy ACTIVATION ENERGY (a) An uniatalyzed rxn requires a higher activation energy Ma doer a cat alysed oxn x thre rxns is no difference in free energy b/w catalyze d Ea Ca Recertains An products winny gun
Wenzymt F nun probe narious Egani imbiance ,me that usually contain a vit/mineral us combines war a yeifri procer apoerigns to form an auther enuyme sysum 2- Realived for me cut of astain anymes of All as a transient camere of specific functional groups 3 NAD niauramide adenine dinuison de- a wenugme mustine present and in most unncall us demed in from metabous The Bvt precess umn Haves as a interestant vanous a to NADP - niconnamide adenine phosphase call somes similar to NAD of present in most unny U reductions in diff nutable processes A -a wenugme present in aucing cells, essentious to 6 enzyme carbchyarat uffat us some amhoaid metabolurn ublquimone. any g several quenones found clum in y wennyme we w nat funct as coerrypres tries transfer instrum lung maceunce to another in w respiration COFACTOR & a non prote in chemical compounce that is bound to a It U (i recurred forme proteen's biological activity can he consulted x helps molecules' thus cusses in transforma- protency This proteins are commency enzymes brocenimal cofcute ti ins X depending on now tightly try bound are utrer organi / inorgame an They enyms, can also he with claimful cookly barna w/weters termell wennymes up tightly cifactor 7 columbias suln as f lawn organic refarters sada mg2+, as flaver termed prosthetel groups FAD-eg or organic name at inorganic cofalton run as mimital ion w4, Mot or (ront-suifter clusters. bound HOLOENZYME DNA Dougnmax, R NA paymences A complete catalytically autine enzyms together An Its bound wensyme w/or metal ions is called a holoenwyme Apocrayme. protein port of an enyme
Environ Fun (1) the homeon of the emym complex with products un Enzyme hurran complex SYSTEMATIC NAME union - enzyme has aparts; According to the International unin of biochemistry of am first Second part 4 the nam of the substrat en for the enu envyme part ends with the suffix "ase" This 11 " " type of rrn cat alyned by Fre ay-- hartar dengarogenare EC NUMBER -Enzyme commission Number anzymes are classified into 6 clif groups; awarding telm heing catalyzed. The momenllature was determned enjone Ec no commission in 1961, henu all enzymes are asing by EC (w n me latest up date occured 1n1992) 1. of no's one 4 dights for exampu a.b.c.el C whits the a digit is used to destinguism b/w alf enuyma bw a - assume class the b subclass " -sus subclass 4d. - sub-sub-sup the same fun am based on me altual substrace in miran G9 for alcohol NAD oxdonductor E no is 1.1.1.) The 6 class El I Undereductions Eth 1 someraxs ged Transforcess E16 ugaxes EC 3 Hydrolases ECH Lyases
ECI ONDO Rt DUCT ASI SPECIMEN order d-glucont d- Tallor +11202 catalyze the transfer of hydrogon oxygen atoms election from such sware to another, also called oxidases, delivation Senases redultare , Note, not since tree are 'redox' rxns, an e- donor/aureptor is also required to complete the rxn EC2 Transfrases ex unding catalyze group transfer rxns, including oxicoreclutance ECI) whom This are of me general form; Acyltransforases that catalyse wansfer hychoogen/ / oxygen and are A - X + BX+1 metromagor garylgrouts catalyze EC3 hydrolytic .xxns, Includes lipases, exterases upon nitrilanes Hydrolases Then pepticases/ are of me protecuses general form; Triquyence 2f monoghe Ey- panineatic fatherane A-X + 220 X on + HA ECHILLYAM non hydrolytic (covered in E(3)removal of functional in me groups from or the neverse rxn, ie adding of fun catalipe substrates) our creating a double bend ut groups product Hiparate (yase actuica f across a double band Cigrate + A= B + X-Y COA Unalocuet A-B XY Includes duorbonylanes (4) aldolases in the removes direct", al synthases in the adouth donent EC 5 ISOMERASES cistrans Catalyzes 1somenzatn rxns, including phospiachouse racemizat ul is ts ans Isomenzations Eg:-GCM-6-phosphate (somerain fre-6-phosphate ECG Ligases catalyzes the synthens of various (mostly(- x) bonds, coupled with the break clown of energy- containing substan ates, anaway ATP Eg- DN A Igase that links 2fragments qDNA by forming a Phosphoduster bond
ENRUME ml Cashon atome encountered in biochemican existe in sone states, depending on the elements with which carbons every -03-20 nikane - can invo alcohol - 123 (co Aldenucle (ketens) HIK - 0 carbonytic and On O= = 0 carbon dioxude ONIDATION - REDUCTION REACTIONS (a) In many a co impound loses d electronic nyanogen ions (ie, 2 hychogen atoms); thex rxns are con called chehydrogenation up me enzymes that cat alyn one called in some, but not all bio. oxudation a larbon at amb covalently bands d to an O2 atom. The enzymes trut cat these oxidations one generally called oxidaxe of me atom CT curved m moleular O2 oxygenax Every oridatn must be awampamea by a in w an e- acceptor arquines the electrons removed by oxida on an +2e- (Vz) - cn- (=0 O (Mz- C - -CEO iP 0- ant +2e- O Laurau Lauare pynivate An oxidain reduce rxn; In this clehydrogenain at organ (me equivalent of 2 by coroginations) are removed ons ses C-2 I lactate analisher, to form pymiaate, a ketone in cells rxn is (atalyzic by lautati dehydrogman C4 me es we tran red the colcutor called 'nuolinarmde adenine amnulest This cofater. rxn is freely oversible i pynivate can be reduced nye's fwar
Enzyme System in Microbial Cell
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