Lecture Note
Swansea UniversityCourse
PM134 | MicrobiologyPages
Academic year
Sanjeev K Ganesh
dow 1 Glycolyte Pathway (EMP pathway) with of be 3 2diff stages Glucose 6c ATP 3C stage energy expert (phosphurylation) - Hexokinase energy girl ADP Glucose - 6 phosphale phosphohoxure Isometice six-C-Stage Fructure 6-phosphate TO ATP 1 group translation ADP takes place Fructose 1,6 bisphosphate : fructor bilphaphat Aldolase cleavage (3c stag) Glyceraldehyde I 3 P Dehydrogenation NAD+ P1 Dihydroxyacetone-6 Name glywaldshyck 3 phosphate NADH + #H+ oxidative phosphorylation hydrogenare yearily converted to Gly - Three carbon stage ADD 1,3 -bisphos phoglycerate. Itself donate phosphate group ATP kinan. Substate level phosphory tan 3 - phosphoglycerate phosphoglycerato mutaic , 2 phosphoglycrate enolase H2O phosphoend ADP pyruvate Kinace ATP. substrate level phosphorylation. pyruvate e clond / acceptur parti Acetyel CAA -Pyruvate
is am 1 Glucose - 2 Pyruvate -glycraddhyde a 1- DHA 2NADH is formed (oxidative phosphorylation) 2ATPX2 = 4 ATP (Substrate land phosphorylation). INADH = 3 ATP. . H can happen in both 2NADH = 2x3 = 6 ATP. prokaryoter and 6+ 4 = 10 ATP expended eukeryotes. Most reactions are recuire ATP It can occur in the previous This ATP is not Sufficient for the organism to survive So absence of O2. further pathways will take place. Peicture Phosphate patterway Anabolism - Synthesis of complex organic molecules from Simpler ones. Conversion of organisms carbon source into a set of small molecule called Series of steps involved. 1 precursor metabolites 2 synthesis of monomers and other building blacks (ie, carbohydrates, aa, nucleutides, some simple lipids) form precursor methabolitee. 3 Synthess of macromolecule (ie, proteins, nuclus acids, complex carbohydrate and complex lipids). 4 Assembly of Macromolecule into cellular structures
Glycolyte Pathway in Microorganisms
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