Lecture Note
Swansea UniversityCourse
PM134 | MicrobiologyPages
Academic year
Sanjeev KG
MICROSCOPY Invented Magnifiation = vicular lens x objective lens phase contrast - Magnification & Resolution Bright field Dark field. Optical fluorescence Two types Confocal electron SEM TEM Objective lens capacity - lox, 40x, 100X In some cases objective ISX lens and 45x also for Eye Place lowlar lens - 10X. 10x = 10x10 Bright field Minroscopy -Only mag 1000-1500X 10x40= 400 Also called Compound light nurswope 10x100=1000 Basic optical microscope. Used in microbiology laboraties. The Name bright field - Specimen is dark. contrasted by the surrounding bright viewing field.
The Specimen appears darker on a bright background functionality based on being able to Provide a high -vesol image / which highly depends on the Proper use of th minouse This mean than an adequate amount of My will enable sufficient focussing of the Image, to produce a Quality Image. Pathoflight 0 Typ/observe eyepirclem Unreflected objectite lar Right Specimen stage wondersor lens (Diaphragm) E light Save Bright field - too 0 prosostaction 1000-3000X d= x N.A Resolution is the distance b/w Points Resolution a Distance As resolution Quality of Picture .
Object to Objective lens PS called Numerical Aperture (NA) (when oil used resolution is high] NA of Water 1.2, Air-1.0, oil-1.57 oil has high NA So high resolution Principle For a Specimen to be four and produce an image under the minroswope, the specimen must pass through a uniform beam of the illuminating light Through differential absorption and differential refraction, the microscope will produce a contrasting Image Is necessary. The specimen used are prepared initially by staining to Introduce Color for easy contracting characterization. Stairs used blue Hematorin are losin, hematologid Study-Joosh- Hematotin. Methyler that will The loved specimens will have a refractive index differentiate it from the surrounding, presenting a combination of absorption and refractic contrast The functioning is based on its ability to produce high - resolution image from an adequately provided light source, focussed on Image, Producing a high Quality Image OlBayo
he Spuimen is planed on a slide is viewed undo oil immersion and covered with a cover slip. page Parts of Bright field Online live Microscope 1 Ocular lens. 2 Eye Piece objectic less 3 light Source 4 - Spacines Objective lians 5 fine and (Oure Condensor lens adjustment 6 Specimen stage Some of light 7 Specimen Two lenses - Objective eyePlace /owlar lens. Objective lens -made of six/more glasses, which make the image clear from the object The Condenser - Mounted below the stage which fourses a beam of light onto the Specimen It can be fixed /murable) to adjust the quality of light, but this
entirely depends on the microscope The Stage - where the Specimen is placed allowing movement of the specimen around for better viewing with the flexible knobs and it is where the light is faused on. Two foursing knob IC the fine adjustment knob and the locarse adjustment knob, which can move the stage the sharpen the image clarity. It has a light illuminator found at the base. The Nose Piece - It has about 3-5 objective lenses with diff magnifying Power. It can move around to any Position depending on the objective lens to focus on the Imag. - An aporture diaphragm also known as the contrast, which controls the diameter of the beam of light that passes through the condenser, in that, when the wndenser the is almost closed, the light comes through $ to the centre of condenser creating high contrast. But when the wondenser is widely open , the Image is very bright with box very low contrast
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