Lecture Note
Princeton UniversityCourse
PHY 103 | General Physics IPages
Academic year
Method of changing 1 changing by friction when two uncharged Gocli- es are rubbed each other , due to frictional force, the change is transfered from one body to another. The body which losses electron will become positively charged and it's mass decreases. And the body which gains electron will negatively cha- reged and it's mass iner- eases. 2 charging by conduction when two bodies having different potential are comes into contact then charge flowing from the body navi- ng higher potential to law- cd potential untill their Po- t ential will become equal. if two bodies having race i- us x fr, and I', contains
charge Q1 and Q2 comes one into contact. Then charge is flowing from one to another and finally the change become "a' and Q'" then :- initially RI\ R2 Q1 Q2 Finally B A R1 R2 Q' VA = VB Q2' I Q I Q = CIT E R1 4TTE R2 Q R1 = Q2' R2 3 induction R,=R2 Q, = Q,+Q2 2 Q' = R, (Q,+Q2) R1+R2 ; Q2 = Q1 + Q2 2 Q2' = R2 R,tR2 (Q+Q2)
Method of Charging
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