Lecture Note
University of California San DiegoCourse
DSC 207R | Python for Data SciencePages
Academic year
Mastering Unix Shell Commands for DataScience Understanding Unix shell commands is a critical skill that can greatly simplify your life if you work in data science. In this article, we'll look at some of the most common Unix input/output(IO) redirection commands that might improve the efficiency of your data manipulation. IO redirection commands are used to redirect input or output of commands in Unix. These commands are extremely useful when you're working with large files, and you want tomanipulate or process them in a specific way. Let's start with the basics. The pwd command is used to display the present working directory. If you're new to Unix, it can be confusing to navigate around the file system. Thepwd command will tell you where you are in the file system so that you can navigate aroundmore easily. The ls command, which shows the contents of the current directory, is another significant one. When you're working with several files and directories, this is quite helpful. You mayview the list of files and directories in your current directory by typing ls. One of the most useful commands for displaying the contents of a file is cat. If you want to see the contents of a file, just type cat followed by the name of the file. For example, if youwant to see the contents of fruits.txt, type cat fruits.txt. However, using the cat command might not be practical if you're dealing with huge files. The more command is useful in this situation. You may simply move through a file by usingthe more command, which shows a file's contents one page at a time. To use the more command, just type more followed by the name of the file. For example, if you want to see the contents of shakespeare.txt, type more shakespeare.txt. You cannavigate through the file by pressing the space bar, and you can exit by typing q. If you want to manipulate the data in a file, Unix has many built-in commands that can help you do this. For example, the sort command can be used to sort the contents of a file inalphabetical order. To sort the contents of fruits.txt, type sort fruits.txt. If you want to save the sorted data to a new file, you can use the standard output redirect symbol (>). For example, to save the sorted data to a new file called fruits-sorted.txt, typesort fruits.txt > fruits-sorted.txt. You can also use the standard input redirect symbol (<) to redirect input from a file. For example, if you want to count the number of lines in fruits-sorted.txt, you can type wc -l <fruits-sorted.txt.
Grep is a helpful command that may be used to look for particular patterns in a file. To discover all the lines in fruits.txt that contain the word "apple," for instance, enter grep applefruits.txt. In addition to these basic commands, Unix has many other built-in commands that can help you manipulate and process data more efficiently. For example, the sed command can beused to perform search-and-replace operations on a file, and the awk command can be usedto manipulate and analyze data in a file. The ability to master Unix shell commands is crucial for any data scientist, in conclusion. Using input/output redirection instructions will enable you to handle and process data moreeffectively, ultimately saving you time and effort. So, start practicing these commands today,and you'll be well on your way to becoming a Unix expert!
Boost Data Science Productivity with Unix Shell Command Mastery
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