not made up of cells Attachment proteins found on the outside of a virus, help the virus to attach to a host cell Active immunity- long term immunity gained by exposure to an antigen e.g. infection by a pathogen (natural) or vaccination (artificial) Active transport- transport across a membrane requiring ATP and a carrier protein, goes against a concentration gradient Agglutination clumping together of pathogens caused by antibodies AIDS-syndrome caused by HIV virus, immune system is compromised Algae organisms that can be unicellular or multicellular, cells are similar to plant cells Anaphase third stage of mitosis when the centromeres divide and the chromatids are pulled to opposite poles Antibiotics compounds that can kill bacteria Antibodies proteins produced by plasma cells which can bind to antigens Antigens molecules on the surface of cells that can trigger an immune response Antigen variability when genetic changes in a pathogen cause the antigens to change Antigen-antibody complex-formed when an antibody binds to a complementary antigen Antigen-presenting cell-a cell which is presenting a pathogen's antigens on its surface Antiviral drugs used to target viral enzymes to prevent the virus replicating Aquaporins channel proteins used for facilitated diffusion of water through membranes Artefacts produced when preparing cells for Bacteria-microorganisms which are prokaryotic cells Binary fission method by which prokaryotic cells divide to produce two daughter cells B-lymphocytes (B-cells) type of white blood cell with antibodies on the outside Calibration curve - plot of known concentrations versus a variable (e.g. change in mass) which can be used to estimate the value of an unknown concentration Cancer a tumour which invades surrounding tissue Capsid protein coat around the edge of a virus Capsule - slime layer surrounding some prokaryotic cells Carrier proteins - membrane proteins involved in active transport, change shape to move a molecule across Cell cycle cycle that dividing cells go through (mitosis, gap phase I, synthesis, gap phase 2) Cell fractionation lab technique used to separate cell components Cell wall-strong structure outside the cell- surface membrane of some types of cell Cell-surface membrane surrounds the cytoplasm of cells, consists of mainly phospholipids and proteins Cellular response part of the immune response involving T-cells and phagocytes Centrioles form the spindle fibres during mitosis
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