Lecture Note
Mt. San Antonio CollegeCourse
Academic year
Dipin Krishnan
Ad-hoc Network 802.11 Wireless LAN Extended Service set is made up of two or many base stations (BSSs), with accesspoints (Aps). In this case, BSSs, are connected through a distribution system which isusually a wired LAN. Figure: Ad hoc network, i.e., BSs without an AP. Figure: BSs with an AP The distribution system connects the APs in the BSS, IEEE 802.11 does not restrictthe distribution system; it can be any IEEE LAN such as an Ethernet. The mobilestations are normal stations inside a BSS. The stationary stations are AP stations thatare part of wired LAN. When BSSS are connected, we have what is called aninfrastructure network. In this network, the stations within reach of one another cancommunicate without the use of an AP.
The idea is similar to communication in cellular network if we consider each BSS to bea cell and each AP to be a base station. A mobile station can belong to more than oneBSS at same time. Wireless LAN 802.11 802.11 standard specifies time transmission techniques allowed in the physical layer.The infrared method uses much the same technology as television remote controldoes, the other two use short-range radio, using techniques called FHSS an DSSS. Part of 802.11 protocol stack. Two promising wireless technologies for LANS, IEEE 802.11 wireless LANS, sometimescalled wireless Ethernet, and Bluetooth, a complex technology for small wireless LANS.That is called WiFi (wireless fidelity).
Ad-hoc Network
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