Lecture Note
California State UniversityCourse
ECON 370 | Economic DevelopmentPages
Academic year
Mahmoud mehrez
International debt GDP per capita refers to a country's per capita trade output. Compared to , which each person receives from a portion of the country's production. A country's GDP debt ratio of compares a country's public debt to its gross domestic product. This tries to compare a country's output to its primary debt. In Japan, United States, India, Italy, Mexico and the United States, Iraq's GDP per capita is 42928, 69734, 1750, 34600, 8346 and 4157, respectively, while their GDP as debt is 256'. These are 86%, 133.92%, 89.61%, 155.6%, 61%, 03% and 45.14%, respectively. This is based on data for 2020. The debt problem is a problem faced by both developed and developing countries. This is because at some point they have to repay the loan and some interest, which means removing resources from the country's economy. However, the impact on developing countries is greater than on developed countries. This is because developing countries have fewer resources ( ), resulting in less GDP than their national income to service debt ( ). A country like America will have no problem paying its national debt as it has a higher GDP of and therefore has more resources, just as there will be greater competition for a country with a lower GDP of than India, therefore there is less capital. Debt service. United States has a record of 100% repayment rates. This can be attributed to the low cost of their loans. An example is, the US IMF rate is 3.5%, and the US IMF charges Iraq an interest rate of 12. 36% The United States has the advantage of getting low interest rates, as it scores high on points included in the interest payment, such as the nature of the collateral tied to the loan of the loan, the repayment period of the loan, and its volume. . A strong financial system will allow the loan and loan amount to pay off the debt easily. On the other hand, a country like Iraq has a score of because it takes longer to repay the loan, there is a higher risk of not paying the debt on time, guarantees required large loans and less loans Good or Low-price. This will eventually lead to higher debt interest rates for Iran. Crowdfunding or economic speculation, where public spending reduces or eliminates private spending If government increases spending, some or all of the money must come from business financing This move will increase the demand for money, which in turn will increase interest rates, thereby reducing personal activity in the economy. Of the countries, the most populous country is India. The government is also involved in the economy of countries, from infrastructure buildings such as jobs, social assistance, roads, hospitals and schools. This transaction increases the demand for money, which raises interest rates, and the contribution of the private sector to the economy decreases.
GDP per Capita and Debt Ratio: A Comparative Analysis
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