Lecture Note
University of California San DiegoCourse
CSE 100/101 | Data Structures and AlgorithmsPages
Academic year
An In-Depth Guide to the Abstract Data Type: Understanding Stacks Stacks are a crucial data structure used in algorithms and computer science. They are utilized to maintain a list of values in a particular sequence,with the most recent addition being the first to be deleted. An example of anabstract data type is a stack, and among its actions are pushing a key (adding avalue), using Top to discover the most recent key pushed, and popping, whichretrieves and removes the most recent key added. We will get into the specificsof stacks and how they might be applied in various contexts in this post. A stack is what? Consider a stack as a grouping of values that are kept in a particular sequence. The value that was most recently added is kept at the top of the stackand is the first to be deleted. Stacks can be compared to a stack of books, wherebooks can be added to the stack, located at the top of the stack, and thenremoved from the stack. The books above it must all be removed before youmay take out the book at the bottom of the stack. The Stack's Activities The four fundamental operations of a stack are push, top, pop, and empty. You can add a key to the top of the stack using the push method. The mostrecent key added is returned by the top operation, and the most recent key addedis removed and returned by the pop operation. The is empty action determineswhether or not the stack is empty. The applications of stacks Stacks are employed in a variety of applications, such as: Parentheses and brackets in Balance Checking whether or not a string of parentheses and brackets is balanced is one of the most popular uses of stacks. The objective of this task is to checkthe text to see if every right parenthesis has a corresponding left parenthesis andif the parentheses and brackets are in the correct positions and do not cross. Thisissue is resolved by building a stack and checking each character in the string.The character is pushed into the stack if it is an opening parenthesis or anopening bracket. The open parentheses and brackets that need to be matched arerepresented by the stack. The parentheses or brackets will be stacked with theinnermost one at the top and the outermost ones at the bottom. A closing
parenthesis or bracket is compared to the top of the stack whenever it isencountered. The top of the stack is popped if they match. The string is notbalanced if they do not line up. Expression Evaluation Expressions like arithmetic expressions are also evaluated using stacks. A stack is utilized in this application to store operators and operands and to carryout operations in the proper sequence. For instance, the operands 2 and 3 andthe operator "+" would be pushed onto the stack before the expression "2 + 3"was evaluated. The operator is then removed from the stack, followed by theremoval of the two operands, which are then combined to produce the result. Utilizing Recursion Recursion, a method employed in computer science where a function calls itself, is also implemented using stacks. In recursion, the function calls areplaced on a stack and are removed when the function completes. As a result, thefunction may maintain track of its current state and, when finished, return to theproper location.
Stacks: Understanding the Structure and Versatility
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