Lecture Note
Preparing the Data: A Crucial Phase in Data Analysis The process of converting raw data into a format that may be easily studiedis known as data preparation. It entails changing and cleaning data to makeit simpler to comprehend and use. The fundamentals of data preprocessing,such as missing value handling, data formats, normalization, data binning,and categorical variable translation, will be covered in this subject. How to Recognize and Handle Missing Values The most prevalent problem with data is missing values. An empty orunknown data entry is considered to have a missing value. When analyzingdata, this can be an issue because missing values might skew results ormake it challenging to spot trends in the data. We'll demonstrate how tospot missing values and how to deal with them. We'll go over variousmethods for dealing with missing values, like imputation and deletion, andshow you how to apply them in Python. Formats for Data It can be challenging to compare and interpret data from diverse sourcessince it may be presented in a variety of forms, units, or protocols. Thismodule will demonstrate how to use Python Pandas to standardize data intothe same format, unit, or convention. We will give examples of how to editdata to make it simpler to comprehend and analyze, as well as how totransform data into various forms. Normalization of Data Numerical data columns may have ranges that are quite dissimilar from oneanother, making direct comparison di cult. All data can be normalized tofall within a comparable range, allowing for more fruitful comparison. Thetwo most used normalization methods, centering and scaling, will be themain topics of this module. We will give examples of how to standardizedata and make it simpler to examine using these techniques in Python.
Binning Data Larger categories can be produced by binning a set of numerical values. It isvery helpful for comparing di erent data sets. This module willdemonstrate how to categorize data and compare it across variouscategories using Python's data binning feature. We will give examples ofhow to categorize data and make it simpler to understand via binning. Conversion of Categorical Variables Variables that represent a group of categories are known as categoricalvariables. They are frequently employed in statistical modeling, but becausethey cannot be used in their raw form, they can be di cult to work with. Tomake statistical modeling simpler, we'll demonstrate how to transformcategory variables into numeric variables in this module. Examples ofcategory variables being transformed into numeric variables using Pythonwill be given. Python DataFrame manipulation Python uses the data structure known as DataFrames to store and managedata. In Python, operations are often carried out along columns. In adatabase, each row in the column denotes a sample, such as a di erent usedautomobile. By mentioning the column's name, you can access the column.For instance, you can access the body style and symbolling columns, each ofwhich is a Panda series.
In Python, DataFrames can be manipulated in a variety of ways. Forinstance, you may add a value to each column's entry. Use the command"df['symbolling'] = df['symbolling'] + 1" to add one to each symbolizingentry. By adding one to the current value, this modifies each DataFramecolumn's value. To make data preprocessing simpler and more e ective, wewill show you how to modify DataFrames in Python using examples. Conclusion Preprocessing data is a crucial stage in data analysis. It assists in convertingunprocessed data into a form that can be easily studied, enabling us torecognize trends and make better judgments.
Pre-processing Data in Python
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