Central Piedmont Community CollegeCourse
COM 231 | Public SpeakingPages
Academic year
ROSHAAN AMEERDISCUSSIONPUBLIC SPEAKING "In most situations, one of the simplest methods to establish a conversational connection withindividuals is to gaze at them individually and in a friendly manner. This is one of the ways toways to ways to communicate. One of the most surefire methods to divert their attention is toavoid making eye contact with them." Chapter 13 pp. 242 Because I have always had a lot of trouble staring people in the eye, this is something that isvery essential to me. No matter what I tried to do, it just made me feel very awkward. This is dueto the fact that whenever there are so many eyes on me, I get the impression that I am beingevaluated for every action that I carry out. Even though I am aware that it is highly unlikely thatthey are, it is still difficult to escape the feeling that they are, particularly if you aren't used toreceiving a lot of attention from other people. This is the reason why I've always found publicspeaking challenging, but it's an essential skill to have if you want to keep your audienceinvolved and interested in what you have to say. Even if they don't know you on an intimatelevel, the audience is able to gain a greater comprehension of who you are thanks to this. When I give my next address, I will make an effort to make eye contact with the audience moreoften to incorporate this idea. When I do have conversations with people, I will practise makingeye contact with them so that I can do so naturally during my upcoming address. Because ofthis, I will be able to take a more particular interest in other people and, in turn, they will be ableto take an interest in me. This will help me form stronger connections with other people.
COM231 - Building Connections and Overcoming Awkwardness
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