Lecture Note
University of California San DiegoCourse
BIMM 100 | Molecular BiologyPages
Academic year
Jake Tomson
GA signalling to produce starch hydeolysing enzymes. GA 1 RM easily enta Neurone cell GA A F-box 2 GA Gid 1 3 5 (GA+GidI + Della Noders GION (Della (U)n by f-box Promote (an MYB-GENE Transcription 6 degradation 8 Translationt. Permates Transcription process in 7 GA MYB mRNA GAMYB TE 8 GAMYB TF GARE amylasegere 9 Xomylase MRNA ER 10 b. Translations? secreation 11 Golginetwork 12 is -xamylase us vericularform release oframylars
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Acid Growth Hypolbesis Auxin PMHATPASE acidify apoplast E Expensin Loosen the cellwall soybean IAA 5 6.0 240 Oats 200 Elongation 5.5 Incubation time (4m) PH 10MM IAA(b) PIF length 5.0 4'5 +IAA 40 capital -10 25 60 Time (min) development control growth (nolaa) IAAcon
GA signaling to produce starch hydrolysis enzyme
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