Lecture Note
University of California San DiegoCourse
BIMM 100 | Molecular BiologyPages
Academic year
Jake Tomson
GA desensitization DELLA (Giblew) + + + GA20X GID 1 GA20 GA3 ox ox GA not degrade Gibuellint GA +GID SCF of DELLA more GA20X GIDI,GA200X,GA30X GAdegraded Auxis xylem dEvelopment Cytokinin Phloem dEvelopment Root zones musigan helps penetrate soil Root cap Sartalophore notrient uptak efrom soil Protect on gravity perception Maistematic zone quicsentcall (lower cell ratecompaled to division pramicels Stemcellniche to high divitionzone informe surrounding stem cells cell Epidermis colomella stell lateral columella
celldivision stops Elongation zone second photoem Materation zone - root hair originate maxrate of elongation Above this lateral 1006 vasel element beginstoform L.sofroot cortex xylem phlo em epidermis e.sofroof Latual Paicycle root cortex Pericyal Epidem Rootbair matratics xylem zone Jessel beginsto, Phloer Elongation Pencycli zone Endodem Quiscent zone Rootcap Root Hair development 2 cortex cell Infocence 3 epidermalcell JKD sse receptor of JKD Central cell JKD) SCM (SCRAMBLE motation develops root JKD leadsto JKD landom coolball hair SCM wer work with CPC (WERWOLf absent incentralcell Cytoplasmic Streaming (rejer TF combine with WEF CPC pollen tube + growth) TF Transciptional root hair 1 GLL GL roothairforms. 1 nobair
Root hair assimilation of H20fnutrient H2O & ethylone (stress response) root hair formation Latual Root formation max auxin Quiscent contre PIN protein of more roof avail max auxin Quiscent centre new quiscent surrounding cent sell stemcell formation of root. lateral root formation
GA desensitization
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