Lecture Note
University of California San DiegoCourse
BIMM 100 | Molecular BiologyPages
Academic year
Jake Tomson
Photo paiodic regulation offlooding SDP LDP fowering vegetative vegetative flowering vegetative flowering nb vegetative flowering night break Coll 12hrs. Vegetative flowering extended circadiamhylbm flowering Vegetative 24hrs Effect of 100 night break immaximum LDP in the middle 50 of the night SDP break 0 16 16 hrs darlpaird (nightbreak Light & Long anight ina circuidian influence flaveing
SDP 4trs break Light sensifivity flopering of 24 48 64 72 light 8 Time at which night breaks wargiven 72 Arabidopsis (long ogdayplant) rice (SDP) Inlongdays Insborte days Longday shirlday Pby A & cry 2 PhyBiciy PhyAtGyR PhyB&cig1 Stabilize Degrade stabilize Hd1 Hd1 COMRNA COMPANA (constants). Protein Hd3a Hd 3a noflowering free coprotein (Hd-Heading date) Stabilize 1 Promote ftmRNA nofloweing flowering fEprotein Short days are stable flowering longdays are unstable inlong day plants.
Cry 2 cry 2 1 in presence of CIBI (TF) ELF3 Gry2 Phy B Co normal / fT Phyl B Red Faired III ISS Pr Pfr Pr. 604 20.13. Long Day short plant day plants flower plower 4conditions that induce flowering 1 Photoperiod 2 Circardian rhythm 3 vahalization 4. Hormonal control (GA induced flowering). 1. Photopeiid Seive Elements (no organelles for snodb sogal transport) 49 3paramelers. companion cell (keep SEalive) Quality In leaves Temp ER of FT Daylength and SE OFTIPS continas Plasmodermate
mainton Moral lorg gones FLC fyral Fredblem Lfy 1 1L LFY Soc API 1L Leaf LFY& primoration AP1 AP1 together infloral maystern activate floral o FD homeotic genes. Seive 2 Circaidian rhythm LHY /CCA (hate Hypocotyl /Circudion Clock Associated) GI (gigantia) Litco FT+FD Vanalization Before vanalization Expt:- FLC 1 Coldtrealment 40days withoutcold cold SOC flowering no flowering
vecnaluation VIN3 - HDAC PRC2,complex like contains VRN-J LC VRN2 HMT FLC FLC H3Ka/H3K27 SOC flowering. 4.Hormanal GA+GID Refer Gibaellin. GA- - MYB gene LFY AP1 floral homestic gone Induce flowering
Photo periodic regulation
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