Lecture Note
University of California San DiegoCourse
BIMM 100 | Molecular BiologyPages
Academic year
Jake Tomson
Hypersensilivity Responce Purpose-Deprive the pathogen of nutrient Theinfected cell's surrounding cells commit HSR type PCD. cell strink and release the cell contents into surrounding cells, this limit the nutrients for pathogengrowth. Autophagy - selfeating Protect cellfrom unwanted action of mis folded toxicprofeins etc. Damaged net/organelles induce autophagy. radical geneiating flavation mt 2typesof Autophagy niceo macro actophagy autophagy aged protein/ auto phago 9) cop organell shaped phone structurefrom ER venicles comeand engolfingo agedprotein for autoptago caviel some protein Degrade + protein helpers regalate the process ATG kinase 1/13
ATG8 4(P13K, regulate the process Regulation notrien mTOR P ATG 1/13 1 fusion of autophagosome & vacoole Inhibit autophagy Degrade heaf Sensence Sequential 2types Depends anage of bey Seasonal Developmental I n temperate region before winter plant steed all leaves, transport all senscence sencence nutrient in the legs before the fall startffrom off. tipolleg & moretowards 8trees Induced base sensence dirog drought mineral deficiency or radiation, temp extreme, darkness Direction senescence begine silect stras Induce sensence. Palhogen infection begin a site of stress.
Chloroplast first targelofsensenscone (richwithprotein) 70% proteinsinlecy & chlorophyll degradation in done first Retreived Synthesis back to plant in GIRNA rebelbey senescence LGIRNAreduclas angone ALA ALA commited radical PBG enzyme During catabolism HPBG chloroplast Peotoporphycin I IX Transformed Mg" (Mgcholatase) to Gelandoplant Resamble etromoplast chlorophyll unstactedgeana Plastogloholi lipid Compler ehla Chlb CH3 CHO. adhundant than B Destruction of encrophyll Chlb Reductase Chla Mg2+ Dechelalase pheophylen Phylole Pheophastide Red.chl catabolite (RCC) flouroscent ebl Catabslite (FCC) I vacoule through ABC trans porteron vacoular memb.
Hypersensitivity response
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