Lecture Note
Swansea UniversityCourse
EGA109 | Introductory Organic ChemistryPages
Academic year
Sanjeev K Ganesh
Light rxn PS-II 21220 O2+ 4H + 2e PS - I 2NADP++2H++ 4e 2NADPH Dark + 6CO2 + 12NADPH+ 1211+ 12NADPE + 6th20 + C6M12O6 Roadwap Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate Hydrogan CO2 light H.O NADP cellular respiration ADP Calvin cellulose Light rxn cycle starch ATP other organic NADPH compounds O2 e C6M1206 Hemoglobin heme group - Fe in centre of porphyrim single free heme , irreversible , Fest, 11b Hb reversibly O2 Fe2+ ferrous because valence state of Fe atom is protected by emapsulating home in globin protein field. tetrameric L2B 4 O2 molecules Oxygenation changes Eat e state, nenous colour change to arterial
protrpurphyrin - 4 pyrrile rings, methine liforar bridges / tetrapyrole ring. 4 CH3, 2 vinyl (HC=(12), 2 proportionate side chains are attached Fe at centre, to N of the 4 pyrrole rings. Fc2t normal conditions, 2 additional bonds on each side of home plane 5th by 6th coordination sites. 5th covalently bonded to imidazole side chain of globin chain (proximal histidine) 6th to O2 or other gaseous ligands (CO,NO,CNJ distal histidine: CO in linear CO 25000 times as strongly as O2 in solution / binding affinity, CO linear binding difficult dis his Application of Complex Hardness (BDTA Na salt) 2 Catalysts Wilkinson 1. (hydrogenation of alkenes) 3. Electr oplating 4. Prussian blue (inks, cosmetics painty 5. BCW photography 6. Au,Ag extraction Purification of Ni Mond Process
Light RNX
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