Lecture Note
Swansea UniversityCourse
EGA109 | Introductory Organic ChemistryPages
Academic year
Sanjeev K Ganesh
Tlkk Rates x T Collision Model Greater the MO. of collisions per second, greater the run rate. As reactant conc. increases, no. of collision increases leading to increase in r&M rate Acc. kinetu molecular cheory of gases, in creasing temp increases molecular speeds As molecules more faster, they welicle wore frequently (with more energy) my more frequently both of which increase the rxn rate. Orgentation Factor In most rxns, collisions b/w molecules result in chem rxn only if molecules are oriented in acertain way when they Collide Relative orientations of molecules during collision determine whether atoms are suitably positioned to form new bonds.
Svante Amhenius proposed muleculesmiss possess a certain min amount of energy to react This energy from kinetic energies of beused colliding to collision, KE of molecules can to ran stutch, upon bend up break bonds leading is Min. called energy activation energy Ea cy its reqd to initiate chem. value rxn varies from rxn to rxn. Diff. blu energy of starting mulecule Ew of highest energy Molecule having arrangement of atoms lex or shown along reaction pathway is @ top of barnier is activated comp transition Rate state depends on mighitude faster of rxn. Ea Lower constant Ea larger rate const At higher temp much greater fraction Ea of molecules have KE greater than leading to greater rate of rxn.
Collision Model
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