Lecture Note
Stanford UniversityCourse
CS229 | Machine LearningPages
Academic year
Detailed Instructions for Supervised Learning:Linear Regression One significant and popular kind of machine learning technique that aids in outcomeprediction based on input data is supervised learning. In this essay, we will concentrate onthe linear regression model, one of the most well-liked and frequently applied models insupervised learning. Linear Regression: What Is It? A linear equation is fitted to the observed data using the statistical approach of linearregression to model the relationship between two variables. Regression is the name given toan algorithm that forecasts a continuous output, in this case, the target variable, which is thecost of a home. The best line of fit determined by the linear regression model is the one thatminimizes the difference between the observed data and the values predicted by the line. Real Estate as an Example of Linear Regression Let's use the example of a Portland real estate agent who is assisting a client in selling theirhome. The agent has a dataset with details on the dimensions and costs of different housesin the city. The realtor can forecast a home's price depending on its size by applying a linearregression model. Let's say the agent creates a graph with the size and pricing information of other propertiesand the client's home, which is 1250 square feet. The agent may estimate the value of theclient's home according to the model, which fits a straight line to the data. The client's homeis estimated by the model to be worth about $220,000 in this instance.
Linear Regression and Classification Models: Differences There are various models for handling regression issues, though linear regression is one ofthem. On the other hand, a classification model is the name of the second most popularclass of supervised learning model. A classification model forecasts categories or discrete categories, such as whether an imagedepicts a cat or a dog, or whether a patient has a specific disease when given a patient'smedical history. Classification models, in contrast to regression models, have fewer potentialoutcomes.
Supervised Learning: Linear Regression
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