Lecture Note
Stanford UniversityCourse
CS229 | Machine LearningPages
Academic year
A Complete Manual for Unsupervised Learning:Dimensionality Reduction and Anomaly Detection Machine learning techniques such as unsupervised learning include training the algorithm onunlabeled data. Unsupervised learning needs the algorithm to independently identifypatterns and structure in the data, as opposed to supervised learning, which labels the datausing input and output labels. The formal definition of unsupervised learning will be given inthis article, along with an examination of some of its various subtypes, such as anomalydetection and dimensionality reduction. Unsupervised learning: What is it? Machine learning techniques such as unsupervised learning are used to train algorithms ondata without output labels. The algorithm's objective is to discover data patterns, structures,and correlations that can be used to derive conclusions or make predictions. The aim ofsupervised learning algorithms, in contrast, is to use the labeled data to create predictionsabout new, unforeseen data. Supervised learning algorithms are trained on labeled data,where both input and output labels are provided. Unsupervised Learning Methods Unsupervised learning can take many many forms, but clustering, anomaly detection, anddimensionality reduction are three of the most popular ones. Clustering Unsupervised learning that clusters similar data points together is known as unsupervisedlearning. The program takes the input data and groups them according to how similar theyare. This kind of unsupervised learning is helpful for identifying trends in data and forassembling related items for future examination. Anomalous Finding Data anomalies or outliers are found via anomaly detection, a sort of unsupervised learning.As odd transactions or events can be evidence of fraud, this kind of unsupervised learning isfrequently employed in the financial system to detect fraud. Other uses of anomaly detectioninclude finding anomalous patterns in picture data or spotting anomalous events intime-series data. Diminished Dimensions With the goal of retaining as much information as possible, dimensionality reduction is atype of unsupervised learning that takes a huge dataset and compresses it into a smallerdataset. This kind of unsupervised learning is helpful for comprehending and displayinghigh-dimensional data since it can make the data less complex and simpler to examine.
Machine learning with Jupyter Notebooks Jupyter Notebooks are an effective tool for data science and machine learning. In a single,interactive document, you can run code, make comments, and view data. This makes itsimple to test out various algorithms and techniques and quickly construct machine learningmodels. In the data science community, Jupyter Notebooks are also extensively utilized,which makes it simple to communicate with others and share your work.
Unsupervised Learning: Dimensionality Reduction and Anomaly Detection
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