Lecture Note
Northwest CollegeCourse
ANT 201 | AnatomyPages
Academic year
Yesenia Mejia
Chapter 2: -anatomy Human body madeup of many indindual cells that cometigether to form tissues, organs, of gan systems, organisms. Cellthcory they are the fundamental unit of all living things 1 are *structural building-blacker of all plants and anf mals 2 produced by the division of pre -existing cells 3 smallest structural units that perform all vital functions cells respond to changes in its loca environment they are shaware of their role in "the big picture" cytoplasm 9 cell consists of cutoplasm( cytosol and organelles) enclosed in plasmamembrane 2 types of cells are contained m our body sex cells 2 somatic cells germ cells,reproductive (somabody) cells) all the other cells in Sperm of males the bo day, oocytes of females "typical cell"- "typical average person" shares features T most cells of the bod. y h out byng identical to any of them cytoplasm has cytogol & organelles (intracellular structures) "mini org ans Organelles are divided into membranons and nonembranons ourcells flo at in extracellular finid plasma membrane seperates the cell contents from the extracellular finid PLASMA membrane (cell membrane) -extremely thin and delicate 16-10hm She) 7 has four important functions 1 physical isolation solate cell insidefrom the surranding extracellular fluid. 2 regulation of exchange The environment controls entry of Ions /m utnents elimination of wastes, release of secretary products
3 Sensitivity First part of cell affected by changes in extraccular fluid Has receptors to recognize respond to changes. 4 cell to all communication, adhesion and structural support connections between Plasma and extracellular matenals allow cells to I eachother plasma membrane 15 composed.of phospholipids plasma membrane has a "phospholipid bilayer" don't they composition of the Cytoplasm the extracellular are very different and the difference must be maintained. cytoplasm has more proteins than the extrescellular fluid. proteins pempheral proteins are attached to ether the inner or outer membrane surface depending on their function. Integral proteins (transmembrane) are embedded in the membrane sum formchannels used for communical tron, to allow e ntn Gotted channels canopen/close to regulate the passage of materials Glycollprasl glycocalay superficial coating sterols) stabilitar the membrane and maintain 18 tiudity most common in human cells is cholesterol membrane permeability permeability determines effectiveness a abamer freely permeable - - & trouble getting through impearmeable cannot get through Plasna membranes they permit cholise = What selectively goes permeable in but restrict weath things,
substances size, electrical charge, moleallar shape, solubility or combination determine membrane permeability of SUBSTANCES may pass through Require ATP brother energer passire processes loui using active processes (using cellular energes) T diffusion-movement 1 active transport carrer proteins can movesubsignies accross the plasm of moteculus from an area of reconcentration to an membrane despite opposing concentration gradient area of lower concentration LX (02 inside a cell E Ychange purpe more.one silute in and direction and another in an opposing co2writdiffrse intoint 2 osmosis Pluid 2 endocytosis diffusion of water moleculestrather thansolutes) packaging of extraccillular materials into a vesicle accross a permeable membrane. (membrane bound)sac for importation into the oell diffuse fromaten of water concentration e an arey "gell dring of n solute concontration phagocrtons collecting" 3 facilitated diffusion 3 exocytosis solutes are passirely transported release of Huid/solida Mancells accross a plasma membrane by 9 when itracellular resides tuse T the plasma camer protein. membran works for glucose amino acids. carnerproteins move in one direction receptor site where glucose and only. amino acids bind to camer proteins. ml crovilli small finger shaped projections of the plasma membrare found in cells that absorb materials from the promote absorption they circula te Huld close tothe plasma membrane, bringing assolved sunstances into contact with receptors on the membrane surface. organelles are structures I specific functions Invent
2 altosa contains R concentration of dissolved and suspended proteins 3 contains small Quantities of carbohydrates and large amounts of ammo ands and linds. carbs =energy amino acids- proteins lipids maintain plasma membranes and provide energy when carbony drates and whaveable. lorganelles 51 found in cells have Specific functions that help structure, maintenance, and/or metabollsm nonmemboranous organelles always in contact t the cytoso) surrounded by membranes that isolate Contents from the cytosol honmembrometons organs Cytoskeleton, Centrioles, lia flagella,nbosomes Cytoskeleton made of filaments that make the Cytoplasm strong and flexible Has4 major components 1 microfilaments 2 intermediate Alaments 3 thickfillments 4 microtubules composed of actin Stabiline organelles composed of built from tubotin Stabilized membrane proteins transpormatenals myosin small hollow tobes streghtens The cell T/inthe cytoplasm in teract Tactin attaches the Plasma membrane provide stren 9th ( microfilments) formtemporanly dissemble into tothe underlying ovtoplasm to produce Individual tubuhn interact T larger Structures powerful molecules again composed of myosin this interaction contractions allows part of the cell to more or changethe shape of the entire cell microtubules strength, main components rigidity, of change cytoskeleton. shape of the cell, attach to organelles and more them around The cell
Centroles, cilla, Magella they are microtubules centriole- cylindrical structure composed of short microtubules They organize microtubules in the spindle to move chromosomes dunng celldinsion Cilia- "beat" rhythmically to move fluids or secretions accross the cey surface. Flagella- - resemble cilia but are muchlonger moves acell through the surrounding fluid rather than moving thefinid past a stationary cell. spenm cell is the only cellthat hasa flagrium If Harula IS paralyzed /abnormal, the man is sterik. Ribosomes small. found in all cells. # vanes depending ontype of cell and its function composed of about 40% RNA $ 40% protein > Free ribosomes -proteins manufactured d enter the cytosol. >attachednbosome.s - -temporaris attached to tough endoplasmic reficulum (proteins manufactured enter the endoplasmic reticulum, for modification and to berackaged for export membranous organelles consist of MHochandna nucleus endoplasmic reticulum golg apparat us lysosomes and peroxisomes finHachandri 19) produce UTP 45% of cellenergy folds are called cnstae control their own maintenance growth and reproduction WW Skeletal muscle cells Hypically Containas many as 300 mitochondria
nucleus control center for cellularoperations determine the structuraland functional Characteristics of the celluby controlling which proteins and synthesised, when and what amounts Skeletal cells -multinverate (morethan one nuclens) RBC - anveleate (0nocleus) cell 10 nucleaus = only 3-4month life span seperated from extracellular fivid by nuclear eme lope, mant double layered nucleus hudearenvelope pennuclear Space Awardot nuclear pores : allow for communication between cystoso) $ moders directs processes taking place in aptosol pores account for 10% of nucleus surface nucleoplasm- Jelly me fluid substance W/in the nucleus nuclear matnx mem help generate genetic activity Somatic cells-nucles in these calls contain 23 Pair of chromosomes In cells that are 0 dinding chromosomes are loosely colled dindingcells -chromosomes are tightly called In chromatin- DNA that is loosely coiled in cell6that are 0 dividing they form in tangled network called chromatin nucleon synthesize the components of ribosomes Endoplasmic Reticulium (EK) has chambers called astemae 4 major functions I synthesis manufacture hpids proteins and car bohydrates 2 storage stores synthesized molecules , transport substances travel hitbin the cell through the ER 4 Detoxification absorbs drugs and toxins and neutrall us them Temmines on
Golgi apparatus (G01g) complex) has 5-6 olstemae packages enzymes for the use of cytosol renew modify the plasma membrane synthesize and package secretions matuning (trans)face forming (c1s)face ysosomes -VESides filled t digestive enzumes formed by the rough endoplasmic reticulum and then Paekagea within the lysosomes by the G0191 apparatus primary 14 sosomes - inactive enzymes Secondary lysosomes contain activate ed enumes defend against disease essential Cleanup and recycling activities "sulcide packets" -because brea kdown of lysosomal membranes can destroy a cell autolysis-bariel destruction of a damaged or dead cell. pennisomes smaller than lysosomes oxidases Dreak J organic compounds into hy drogen persxide (which IS toxic to (clls) absorb and break fatty ands most abundant in Iner cells membrane Flow : cellular mechanism that changes the anatomical and functional characteristics of the plasma membrane. * enables the cell to grow mature an drespond to environmental stimuli cell division = cell reproduction dranbution each new ath cell, of copy of genetic info done by mitosis or PNA reply cation exactcell is cluyucare of \ cell divides into a pair of daughter cells znowcells replace the original
dinsion Somatic cells replicate through mitosis sexcell division through melosis Somatic cells spend most of then functional life in Interphase during this phase, continus nomal function and prepares for replication If needed Interphase phases Go - 0 preparing for cell dinson G1 - cell manufactures enough HT, cytoskeletal elements endoplasmic reticula, nbosomes, Golg) membranes and cytosol to make 2 cells- Basically gathers alleugnies for all division". may take as little as r/2hrs - replication begins ( cell duplicates its 6-8hr process Chromosomes G2-final step where last-minute protein synthesis is done (2-5hrs) after that a ctual cell mitosis begins VISIT mitoric Spindle forms mitosis Early prophase -DMA strands coil tightly structures tinoies are seen as single structure prophase late prophase nuclear membrane and nuched disentegrate. into more chromatids apart metaphase ) centamers hom ofeach chromatid to the metaphase plate (in the middle) anaphases centromeres break apart -you how have 2 dtr chromosomes. pulled to Telo phase nualear membranes firm and the norteni enlarge, chromosomes oppositeed Uncoil cyrounness Citop 195m is divided between the daughter ocus Chromatuds copies a cleange binon that deepens "seperation - -L process" of cytoplasm chromosomes constricts in the mid dle (metaphase Plate) forming cuntromere -comects the L mitosis Untilth 2 cells seperate M ATC
Chapter 2: Anatomy
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