Lecture Note
John Jay College of Criminal JusticeCourse
PSY 332 | Psychology of AdolescencesPages
Academic year
Self-Conceptions - Culture and the self - Individualistic cultures encourage reflections about the self - Collectivistic cultures focus on the needs of the group over the individuals - Types of selves in adolescence - Self-conceptions - More abstract, trait-focused - Actual self v. possible self - Ideal self - Feared self - More complex, contradictory - False self - Self-esteem from preadolescence through adolescence - Declines in early adolescence, rises through late adolescence and emerging Adulthood - Imaginary audience - The value of high self-esteem varies among cultures and ethnic groups - Different Aspects of self-esteem - Rosenberg self-esteem scale - Baseline self-esteem - Barometric self-esteem - Harter’s eight domains of adolescent self-image
- Scholastic competence - Social acceptance - Athletic competence - Physical appearance - Job competence - Romantic appeal - Behavioral conduct - Close friendship - Self-esteem and physical appearance - Most strongly related to global self-esteem, followed by social acceptance From peers - Self-esteem in emerging adulthood - Tends to rise - Focus on physical appearance lessens, improved relations with parents increase Feelings of acceptance - More control over the social contexts of everyday life - Causes and Effects of Self-Esteem - Feelings accepted and approved by others - Relationships with parent - Approval from adults outside the family - School success The Emotional Self
- Adolescents’ Emotions: Storm and Stress? - ESM studies - Adolescents report more extremes of emotional than preadolescents or Adults - Brain development - Adolescents often respond to emotional stimuli more with the heart than with The head, whereas adults tend to respond in a more controlled and rational way. - Hormonal changes - Cognitive and environmental factors
Self-Conceptions and Emotional Development in Adolescence: Exploring Cultural Influence, Self-Esteem, and Emotional Experiences
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