Answer Key
Name: Akira Moore Date: 07-12-2022 Student Exploration: DNA Profiling Directions: Follow the instructions to go through the simulation. Respond to the questions andprompts in the orange boxes. Vocabulary: DNA polymerase, DNA profiling, gel electrophoresis, gene, mutation, non-coding region, polymerase chain reaction, primer, short tandem repeat Prior Knowledge Questions (Do these BEFORE using the Gizmo.) In 1985, Darryl Hunt was convicted of murder. While Hunt was in jail, a new method for analyzing DNAevidence was invented. The DNA evidence on the victim did not match Hunt’s DNA but did match that ofanother prisoner. After 19 years spent behind bars, Hunt was finally declared innocent and released fromprison in 2004. 1. DNA is used to tell people apart. What aspects ofDNA do you think make this possible? the individual's dna diversity 2. What are some possible uses for technology that canidentify people based on their DNA? both their hair and eye colors Gizmo Warm-up DNA profiling does not just compare people’s entire genome side by side.Instead, a very particular part of the DNA is compared. In the DNA Profiling Gizmo you will learn about the differences in DNA that make DNA profilingpossible and you will use that knowledge to design your own DNA profilingtest. Click on the crime lab in the Forensic training section. You are looking at a strand of DNA. DNA contains genes and non-coding regions between genes. Click on Non-coding A. 1. You are looking at a portion of the non-coding Asection for three different people. Are these sectionsthe same or different? Explain yes some of the trs repeat themselves andsome don't 2. Click Previous then click on Gene A. Are there differences in gene A for the three people? no Reproduction for educational use only. Public sharing or posting prohibited. © 2020 ExploreLearning™ All rights reserved
Activity A: Forensic training Get the Gizmo ready: ● Click on Forensic training and Start again . Introduction: In this activity, you will learn about the principles and techniques that make DNA profiling possible. Genes code for specific traits. In people, the DNA sequences for most genes are nearly identical,since any change could result in a harmful disorder. The areas between genes do not code for any essentialtraits, so a change to the DNA sequence doesn’t have any major consequences. As a result, these regionstend to be very different for different people. Question: How can the differences in DNA be exploited to perform DNA profiling? 1. Observe: Click on non-coding A. What do you see in the middle of each of the three DNA sequences? A is always on top and T is always at the bottom. 2. Compare: Turn on Show short tandem repeats (STRs) . An STR is a short, repeated sequence of DNA, like TAAA. They can be repeated any number of times without affecting the traits of the person. Differentpeople usually have different numbers of repeats. What does this do to the length of each person’s non-coding regions? Short tandem is more common when the dna is longer, and less common when the dna issmaller. 3. Create: Your goal is to make copies of the STR region. To do this, you will make primers that surround the STR region. A primer is a short sequence of DNA that acts as a starting point for DNA replication. Click Next . Click on person 1’s DNA to separate the two strands. Drag along the AAGGC nucleotides, and then the TCGCC nucleotides to create primers. Click Next . The Gizmo will add the same primers to the two other people. What do you notice about where the primers attach in each person? They all have the same beginning and conclusion. 4. Observe: Click Next. An enzyme called DNA polymerase uses the primers as a starting point to copy the DNA. Copying DNA using primers is a technique called Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) . Click Next again. The DNA segments are copied millions of times. What do you notice about the lengths of the copied DNA strands? it stays the same but gets copied a million times Reproduction for educational use only. Public sharing or posting prohibited. © 2020 ExploreLearning™ All rights reserved
5. Compare: Click Next . Gel electrophoresis is used to separate DNA strands of different lengths. An electric current is passed through the gel. As the current moves from top to bottom, it pulls the DNA andloading dye along with it. Click on the power box to turn it on. A. Which person’s DNA band traveled the farthest? second person Shortest? first person B. Turn on Show labels . What do you notice about the length of the DNA versus the distance it traveled down the gel? the shorter it traveled the fartherit traveled C. Can you identify people by comparing the length of STR regions on a gel? Explain Yes, the longer the gel, the further down the dna slides, and the shorter the gel if the dna islong. 6. Observe: Click Next . Then select Gene A . A. Does gene A have any STRs? no Because genes are segments of DNA that hold the instructions for producing proteins, theyusually don’t have large variable regions like STRs. B. Are there any differences in gene A between the individuals? no Genes may contain small mutations that don’t affect the length of the segment. C. Create primers and copy the DNA. What do you notice about the length of the duplicated regions? It was brief since only one primerwas created for each strand. D. Click Next and turn on the gel electrophoresis apparatus. What do you notice about the position of the band? they were the farthest E. Can you identify people by comparing the length of genes on a gel? Explain the less primers the person has the farther the dna is on the gel electrophoresis 7. Summarize: How can PCR and gel electrophoresis be used to identify people? It can recognize individuals based on the length and shortness of their dna. Reproduction for educational use only. Public sharing or posting prohibited. © 2020 ExploreLearning™ All rights reserved
Activity B: Design and testprimers Get the Gizmo ready: ● Select Design primers on the left. Introduction: To identify people based on DNA, copies of certain segments of DNA are compared using gel electrophoresis. In this activity, you will design primers that will copy segments of DNA that will help to identifypeople. Question: How can you use your knowledge to create a DNA profiling test? 1. Predict: Gel electrophoresis distinguishes DNA segments by length. To identify people by DNA, is it better to make copies of genes or non-coding segments? Explain. I believe it's preferable to create them both for a better response. 2. Create: Pick a section of DNA you want to copy and follow the directions to create primers. A. Click Preview primer. Did the DNA copy properly? yes B. Do you get segments of DNA that are different lengths foreach person? yes Click Save primer when you are satisfied. Create more primers using other parts of the chromosome. Be sure each primer set copies DNA segments that vary in length. 3. Test: Switch to the Test primers section. DNA was isolated from the skin and blood of four different people. Select the primers you created (now in the saved primers section) then click Run analysis to run the PCR and gel electrophoresis tests on the samples. You will notice that each primer creates two bands on thegel, because each person has two copies of each chromosome. Based on the test, match the skin and blood samples. (You can click and drag on the gel columns torearrange them.) Use the Gizmo to check your answers. Which blood sample goes with each skin sample? Skin 1: b Skin 2: a Skin 3: d Skin 4: c 4. Experiment: Switch back to the Design primers section. Click Clear primers . Add primers to the bottom left and top right of the DNA and click Preview primers. What happens? many different starand were made using the primers Reproduction for educational use only. Public sharing or posting prohibited. © 2020 ExploreLearning™ All rights reserved
DNA polymerase only copies DNA in one direction. In the Gizmo, the top strand of DNA copies left-to-rightand the bottom strand copies right-to-left. 5. Compare: Go back to the chromosome view and choose a gene. Create primers anywhere you want in the gene and click Preview primers . A. What do you notice about the copied DNA in each person? It stayed the same B. Click Save primer and select Test primers . Run an analysis with the new primer. What do you notice about the bands on the gel? they all were at the bottom C. Would this primer help you distinguish people? Explain. No, because they are all thesame and there are nodifferences to be seen. 6. Compare: Switch to the Design primers section. Select a non-coding region of DNA. Add primers to the DNA. This time place at least one primer completely inside the STR region. A. What do you notice about where the primer binds in individuals 2 and 3? It claimed it could produce numerous premieres. Primers will bind to any complimentary sequence of DNA. Because STRs repeat, the primers willbind to more than one part of the DNA. B. Click Preview primer . What do you notice about the copied DNA in each person? It didn't make a lot of strs and strands C. Click Save primer and select Test primers . Run an analysis with the new primer. What do you notice about the bands on the gel? it was blue and filled in each row D. Would this primer help you distinguish people? Explain. they are all the same instead. Because DNA fragments of many different lengths are created, the result is a smear of bands onthe gel. 7. Explain: Describe the properties of primers that were successful in distinguishing samples. What region of the DNA are they found in and what do they surround? Reproduction for educational use only. Public sharing or posting prohibited. © 2020 ExploreLearning™ All rights reserved
their various lengths would highlight the distinctions Activity C: Solve cases Get the Gizmo ready: ● Select Design primers on the left. If necessary, delete any unwanted primers. Question: Can you use the primers you created to solve cases? 1. Create: If you haven’t already done so, create at least three primers using genes or non-coding regions that will help you distinguish DNA samples. Which regions did you use to create the primers? i did none-coding 5 , gene j , non-coding e and none -coding c 2. 2. Predict: Click on Solve cases and check that you are on Case 1 . A. Read the case details. Who do you think committed the crime? suspect c B. Click Next . Look at the evidence bags. Which evidence bag(s) do you think will be most helpful in determining the criminal? the spilt blood on the brokenwindow 3. Analyze: Click Next . There are four vials of DNA from the evidence and four from the suspects. Choose the primers you want to use and click Run analysis . A. Which suspects were at the crime scene? Check using the Gizmo. b and c B. Click Next . Look at the evidence bags. Which evidence bag(s) do you think will be most helpful in determining thecriminal? the geode collector 4. Practice: Congratulations! You solved your first case. Use the Gizmo to solve cases 2-4. For each case, list the suspects that were present and who committed the crime. Case Suspect(s) present Perpetrator(s) 2 a, b and c b 3 all the suspect were there c 4 a, b and c b 5. Discuss: If someone’s DNA is found at a crime scene, does that mean they are guilty? Reproduction for educational use only. Public sharing or posting prohibited. © 2020 ExploreLearning™ All rights reserved
What other information might you need to know? You must understand their viewpoint and their activities on the day of the crime. 6. Hypothesize: Select Case 5 and read the description. DNA profiling can also be used to determine if a person is the biological parent of a child. A. Will a parent and child’s DNA be identical? Explain. no it will be close to identical thp B. How much DNA does a child inherit from each parent? 1/2 Each parent contributes half of their DNA to their child, so half of a child’s DNA should matcheach parent. 7. Solve: In paternity and maternity tests, the analysis is the same as in the criminal cases except that the DNA samples are from a son or daughter and potential parents. Choose up to three primers and click Run analysis . (Note: Only three primers are allowed in the simulation due to the size of the gel. In a real analysis more primers are used.) A. Can you determine who the father of the son is? the father of the son is Man A. B. How many bands do the father and son share andhow many are different? woman c 8. Summarize: How can you use DNA profiling to determine maternity and paternity? You can use it to determine who thought what and who is connected to whom. 9. Discuss: Think back to the case in the beginning, where Darryl Hunt was convicted of murder. He spent 19 years in prison before DNA profiling proved his innocence. What are the pros and cons of using DNA profiling to solve cases? The fact that you can readily find what you're looking for outweighs the disadvantage that itcan be difficult and time-consuming. The Innocence Project has helped to exonerate hundreds of wrongly convicted people using DNA profiling. Reproduction for educational use only. Public sharing or posting prohibited. © 2020 ExploreLearning™ All rights reserved
Diffusion Gizmo Answer Key
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