Middlesex Community CollegeCourse
HIS-131 | World History IPages
Academic year
Kayley Martinez
p {margin: 0; padding: 0;} .ftPP{font-size:2px;font-family:Times;color:#000000;} .ft{font-size:2px;line-height:0Jpx;font-family:Times;color:#000000;} After reading about the different European Colonial Empires, I made the realization that they are similar.Some of the evidence was the way that they all had slaves, how they reflected their power and how theyhighlighted their heritage. In this essay, I will tell you why the European Colonial Empires are similar. During that time, large numbers of African and Amerindians were enslaved within all four of the colonies.The slaves were traded and used for labor withing the colonies. In the text it states, “All subjugatedAmerindian peoples and introduced large numbers of enslaved Africans.” (pg. 477) This piece of textualevidence shows that withing the colonies, large number of slaves were traded and introduced to the colonies,and they had similar ways to abuse them. Another similarity that the colonies shared was how they reflected their power, their resources and how theyall had similar diseases. Ever since some of the colonies transferred to the New World, they introduced theirold-world diseases. In the text it states, “Europeans introduced Old World diseases, such as smallpox, thathad a devastating effect on the native populations...” (Pg. 477) This piece of textual evidence shows how theybrought their old-world problems to their new world. The last similarity was how they highlighted their heritages and cultural differences. In the text it states,“Mineral wealth allowed Spain…France pursued objectives similar to Spain” (pg. 477) This piece ofevidence shows how they would help one another by using their cultural differences. They also had culturaldiversity which was one of the benefits that came out the whole ordeal. All In all, the European Colonial Empires had similar ways and similar acts that benefited them differently.This would boost the population for them high due to the similarities. They also had changing political viewsas well.
Mini Essay - European Colonial Empires
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