Lecture Note
Advantage below trust Rapid E inexpensive jos rare clls . investigation group leasta) Suitable Rf com be identified roing - Study multiple exposure multiple potential Rt g dls No ethical problem Investigation g Cony content period pround abroad Disadvantage Selection appropriate controls may be dyjicult Problem of seliction bore Inciclems cannot be miarimed eld G. won't flouri NC can (D) Design (Now e Popul" n/c could (NDI Study time. Study population Inquiry Case control (Han dls) (No d(s) plast 3 Time Not evpned Exposed Notexposed Exposed febst have d. Bank soman hias Bless wt - Dr Joseph Berkeson identijies a. Selection hias bior - and due to different rate 4 odm' this been - Inidem prevelence cow to hspll for ppl = dyf dls b Bies due to comjounding (io hapil Call & contro). . Prevented by matching c. Internieves hias C. memory 1 recall bies - internieus knows hypothem - Past history 9 can & control also U know cage, phior internalis when and asked, can home more may had him to and call more thoroughly them control. eg: recall pt c MI recell part hobit while control way not
Systematic review & Meta analysis 9 ISA July Systemachi remiew A :- , It attempts to gather all available empirical research by using cleanly degined systematic methods to obtain answer to a spaciju question bayabwas democrative WIA Meta analysis sincerely S Statistical "process" g analyzingbile combining similas results from several n studies st word BOOA It should only ever be conducted in the context y tentage trogque wears a systematri review E c
Cohort Study - Advantages, disadvantages and Bias. Definition of Systematic review and Meta-analysis
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