Study Guide
p {margin: 0; padding: 0;} Biologis eco system This ecosystem can be interpreted as a system formed between in an area and there is a reciprocal relathion ship Living/piotic components and not living /abiotic components or with the environment. in general , an ecosystem conssists of Living protic and non Living /abiotic components 1. the Botanical component unit5 are plants and animals, including humants. 2. the units abiotic components are temperature, sunlight, Climate, air. According to the way they get food these biotic components can be grouped into heterotrophic and autotrophic organism. 1. Autotrophic organisms these organisms get food by converting inorganne into organic materials with energy originating From sunlight. Based on the energy source ,an autotrophoc organism is divided into two, namely photoautobrophic organosms and Cheau totrophec organisms 2. Hetero togenic organosms these organisms get Foud from other Living creatures. For example fatterflies suck Flower nector, mice act fice, eagles eat rice, and others. interactions in ecosystems.
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