Lecture Note
California State UniversityCourse
CIS 1200 | Information and Technology LiteracyPages
Academic year
Jithin Jacob Issac
STRATEGIES FOR E-COMMERCE 1. Increase E-commerce Search Usability Organize the web store for the two main groups of potential customers: • Visitors who know what they want to buy. Customers who know exactly what they are looking for want to find the right information as quickly as possible -designing a high-performing search. • Visitors who only want to browse. They are potential customers who just want to browse through the online store and compare items. – design easy-to-use sectionswith navigation menus, product categories and pages. 2. Good Product Descriptions, Use High-Quality Photographs and descriptive videos. Outside the brick and mortar world, customers can’t touch the product and are making their buying decisions entirely dependant on productimagery, description and feedback. Interactive Product Visualization is one of thebest strategies to present products to consumers. It will help them study every detailof a product, which in turn will enable them to make an informed decision withoutregretting it afterward - helping you to avoid complaints and negative reviews. 3. Advanced Product Filtering The advanced filter functionality allows your customers to find exactly what they'relooking for quickly and easily. It can be even more useful if you are selling a lot ofvariations of the same types of products with many different options. 4. Personalize. Site visitors are demanding one-of-a-kind experiences that cater to their needs andinterests. Technology is available, even to smaller players, to capture individualshoppers’ interests and preferences and generate a product selection and shoppingexperience led by individualized promotions tailored to them. Eg.: Amazon is the pioneer of the user-centric shopping experience throughpersonalization. Their homepage helps people easily find the right product in thepersonalized block in the first section when you log in under the “related to itemsyou’ve viewed” tag. 5. Optimize Shopping Cart Functionality
To prevent customers from abandoning their shopping carts, you should be sureshopping cart functionality is perfect and easily navigable. Clear the checkout pageand remove distractions and/or possible places to exit. This will prevent anyconfusion during the checkout process. 6. Content Marketing Proper content marketing can attract more positive attention, interaction, andsustainable conversions in a way no other marketing method can. By creating andpromoting original content, you are ensuring that your audience is receiving newinformation that matters to them on a continual basis. 7. Social Media Marketing Social media marketing is a very powerful tool. It allows you to communicate withyour industry, customers, and market in a personal way. You can utilize social mediato generate engagement and interaction, boost traffic to your website, and develop alarger base of customers. Utilizing different social media platforms for different purposes also creates a richpresence for your company that diversifies your abilities, efforts. This will ultimatelyhelp you cater to your customers’ needs in a way that grows your business over time. Benefits of a well-tailored social media campaign: • Gathering information about your customer’s online behavior allows for the creation of targeted ads. • Building strong relationships with people – Daily communication with your customers helps any business to answer the buyer’s needs and provide a better userexperience. • Unique and high-quality posts on social media expand brand awareness and convert people to brand ambassadors. • Better customer support – Over 67% of consumers use social media platforms for customer support. If your business answers are timely and really helpyour customers, they can get viral. • Cost-efficiency – social media is the fastest and cheapest way of connecting with your customers.
• Higher conversion rates – In 2019, social networks influenced 74% of shoppers for their purchasing decisions 8. Build Advertising Strategies E-commerce shop advertisements help to improve your online visibility and boostsales. Eg.: Facebook Ads or Google Adwords are the most popular and user-friendlyplatforms for advertising. Retargeting is a technique that tracks customers who have visited your website anddisplays ads to them while they’re browsing the internet with the intent of gettingthem back on your website. When these visitors enter your website again, they arefar more likely to make a purchase.To effectively manage a retargeting campaign,make sure your ads are as specific as possible. 9. Artificial Intelligence E-commerce is another highly appropriate domain where AI can make a significantimpact. They enable you to gather as well as investigate data in real-time and trackthe way potential customers interact with your brand. AI facilitates better efficiencyand competence 10. Chatbots Technically a part of AI, chatbots can be an important weapon for e-commercecompanies when it comes to enhancing customer experience. You can use chatbotsto instantly communicate with customers and resolve their issues on multipleplatforms, such as Facebook or your online store. A chatbot is basically a computer program that simulates a conversation with ahuman user with intent to furnish some kind of service. Some chatbots are soadvanced; it is really hard to distinguish them from chatting with a real human.
Strategies for E-Commerce
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